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TOP4TRAINING: Training plan and tips on how to run 10k.

TOP4TRAINING: Training plan and tips on how to run 10k.

15. 9. 2022 7 min. reading

10k is a popular running goal. Neither short nor long, therefore it is suitable for every runner. Read tips on how to beat a 10k distance and what to include in your training plan.

To beat the 10k, you have to work harder in several areas - running sessions, strength training, regeneration, but also mental attitude and nutrition. But don’'t worry, you just have to be more flexible and determined. And we will advise you on how to do it. We bring you a training plan for 10k.

Running tips for the first 10k

  • Prepare for longer running training - Be aware that training for 10k will take more time, strength, and energy than for 5k. But it's not something that should stop you! Prioritize, plan and fit your workouts around your work and family responsibilities.
  • Don’'t stress about the pace - 10k is definitely one of the endurance disciplines and if you don’'t have ambitions for gold medals from races, you don’'t have to run like Usain Bolt. If you push too hard at the start, you will go off track after the first kilometer. Find a pace that you are able to maintain throughout the training.
  • Write a running diary - Always write down basic metrics after training - a type of training, distance, average pace, and feelings. You can easily evaluate your progress. If you are not a fan of diaries, get a sports watch, connect it to your phone, and have running data at hand at any time.
  • More time for recovery - Train hard, recover harder! Quality sleep, a nutrient-rich diet, and stretching after training are the basics, but beyond that, include longer stretching (30-60 minutes), a sauna, or a sports massage on your rest day.
  • Eat well and enough - More energy from food is needed not only for more demanding training but also for effective regeneration. Sooner or later, the body will ask for more nutrients. It can be in the form of smaller snacks during the day or larger portions of main meals.
  • Persevere and don’'t give up - Do you remember how great you felt the first time you beat a distance of 5k? At 10k, it will be even more euphoric! Surely you already know from training for 5k that you are not always fully motivated. But that’'s when discipline and mental determination come into play. Find your WHY and make it happen! #GoFasterTogether

Top4Health: Pushing your limits is addictive, but don’'t confuse physical and mental fatigue with laziness. If you feel tired for a long time, your joints hurt and other health problems appear, take a rest and, if necessary, seek a physiotherapist or another specialist.

How long to train for 10k?

You must be wondering how long it will take you to train for 10k. The average time for hobby runners and beginners is 2 to 3 months, for advanced runners, 1 month is enough. This time is individual because each person is different and has different training options. But the journey is the destination! Enjoy it to the fullest and you will see that your results will go hand in hand.

Don’t take running plans on the Internet as dogma. Be flexible and adjust your training plan to fit your work and personal life. Long story short, you should have to wear running shoes with joy!


10k Running plan for beginners

In addition to the three weekly running training sessions, include one strength training session, on the other days devote yourself to other activities that you enjoy (biking, swimming, skating, etc.) and dedicate at least one day only to rest and stretching.

An example of a weekly training plan

Include three running sessions during the week and always try to have one day off between running training for regeneration or another different type of exercise:

  • MONDAY: Other physical activity - running, cycling, skating, etc.
  • TUESDAY: Continuous 5k run - You have already trained for the 5k, so try to run at an easy pace and stop as little as possible. If you manage this distance without any problem, slightly increase the average pace per kilometer (e.g. by 10 - 15 seconds). 
  • WEDNESDAY: Strength training
  • THURSDAY: Fartlek 5k - During the fartlek, you change the pace of the run. It is also called a speed game. The training can look like, for example, 200 m faster run / 300 m jogging or 1 minute faster run / 2 minutes jogging. The proportions are entirely up to you. Play with the pace, discover your possibilities, and feel how you feel!
  • FRIDAY: Rest day - Max. short walk, stretching, meditation.
  • SATURDAY: Longer run 7 - 8k - Once a week include an endurance run, during which you will not focus on speed, but only on yourself - i.e. pace and speed according to your feeling. If necessary, switch to walking or stop, but try to make as few stops as possible.
  • SUNDAY: Rest day - Max. short walk, stretching, meditation.

Before every running training, activate and warm up the muscles and joints. At the end of the training, include light jogging and stretching.

Top4Running TIP: Do you need a quick dose of motivation? Get new running clothes and hit the track confidently in something new!


How to run 10k under an hour - Plan for advanced runners

If you are passionate about running and want to run 10k in under an hour, it will require thorough and systematic preparation. During one week, do three running training sessions, two strength training sessions, one day dedicated to another favorite activity (biking, swimming, skating, etc.) and one whole day focused only on rest and regeneration. This means stretching, and rolling with a foam roller or a sauna.

An example of a weekly training plan

During the week, plan three running sessions, two strength trainings, and two days dedicated to rest or another favorite activity:

  • MONDAY: Strength Training - Focused on the upper body.
  • TUESDAY: Interval Training - A great type of training to develop speed. The first two weeks include shorter segments (for example 6x400 m), the next 2-3 weeks longer segments (for example 5x600 m), and the following weeks long segments (for example 5x1000 m).
  • WEDNESDAY: Rest day or other favorite activity
  • THURSDAY: Fartlek 6k - Playing with speed will push your performance a little further and also make your training special. For example, a fartlek can look like a 250m fast run / 250m jogging or a 1-minute fast run / 1-minute jogging.
  • FRIDAY: Strength Training - Focused on the lower body.
  • SATURDAY: Continuous longer run - About 7 to 8 km long. Choose a pace that you are able to maintain throughout the training with as few stops or transitions to walking as possible.
  • SUNDAY: Rest day - Max. short walk, stretching, meditation.

Before every running training, activate and warm up the muscles and joints. At the end of the training, include light jogging and stretching.


10k Running race - Test and challenge at the same time

If you want to set your own personal challenge, go to the 10k race. This is a very popular distance and several races are held every year. What will you experience when you decide to sign up for the race?

  • The great racing atmosphere and sports spirit
  • Meeting new people from the running community
  • Fan support at the start, along the track, and at the finish line
  • Overcoming your limits
  • THAT unforgettable moment when you cross the finish line

Anyone can try a 10k running race. Yes, you too! It works as a great test for faster runners and also as a running challenge for beginners. You can choose a road or trail race. And we have got your back. Equip yourself with Top4Running!

Road running shoes Trail running shoes

Streets and forest await. Ready for new running adventures, experiences, and overcoming your limits?