I Meeting Barcelona Top4Running x PCteam

I Meeting Barcelona Top4Running x PCteam

26. 6. 2023 Displayed 780x

The I MEETING in Barcelona was an extraordinary event that united the Top4Running and PCteam communities, with the support of Asics Running.

Celebrating Unity and Running: The 1st Meeting in Barcelona

The I MEETING in Barcelona was an extraordinary event that united the Top4running and PCteam communities, with the support of Asics Running. With a shared love of running, participants of all levels came together to celebrate, connect and embrace the joy of running. Let's take a look at the highlights of this memorable gathering.

I Meeting Barcelona Top4running x PCteam

Bringing communities together, inspiring running:

The I MEETING brought together runners from the Top4Running and PCteam families, fostering a sense of unity. Our track as a meeting place in Barcelona provided a fantastic backdrop as runners participated in 3000m, 1000m, and/or 400m events, adapted to all levels. The event inspired runners to push their limits and enjoy the thrill of running.

I Meeting Barcelona Top4running x PCteam

Fun, laughter,  and bonding:

Laughter echoed throughout the event as runners came together to share experiences. With the rhythm of good music in the air, the event created an infectious energy creating memories to last a lifetime. It highlighted that running is not only about personal achievement but also about teamwork.

I Meeting Barcelona Top4running x PCteam

The Contribution of Asics Running:

Asics Running played an important role in the event, allowing participants to try out their latest running products. From carbon plate shoes like the Metaspeed sky+ or the Magic Speed 3 to more versatile everyday shoes like the Superblast or the Gel-Nimbus 25.

I Meeting Barcelona Top4running x PCteam

A delightful conclusion:

The event concluded with a delicious pizza and refreshing drinks, which provided a satisfying indulgence for the participants. While savoring the food, runners enjoyed the prize-giving and race anecdotes with their fellow runners.

I Meeting Top4running x PCteam

Bringing passion and community together:

The I MEETING Barcelona celebrated the power of community and a shared passion for running. It exemplified the essence of unity, as runners from different backgrounds came together to create connections and memories forever. This event reminded us that running is more than just a physical activity: a journey of personal growth, friendship, and a quest for a healthier, more connected world.
